Aetionomy - University of Luxembourg
Aetionomy - University of Luxembourg




Study Request System tranSMART Server REDCap Server




AETIONOMY is a consortium brought together under the European Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) to tackle the problem of the classification of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases. AETIONOMY has 10 academic partners (of which 4 are clinical partners), 2 SMEs and 4 EFPIA partners. The 4 committed partners (UCB, Novartis, SARD & BI), have allocated resources as well as a substantial financial support of in-kind contribution over the entire project (Aetionomy's newsletter, vol 1).


The AETIONOMY project is organised in 5 work packages. Work packages 1, 2, 4 and 5 have been pre-defined in the call text, so that only for WP3 were we free to chose a topic and title which is now called “clinical study”, as this reflects the nature of the clinical validation efforts.


WP2 is therefore the place where the AETIONOMY knowledge base is being designed, implemented and productively operated. WP2 is led by academic partner University of Luxembourg; the WP is co-led by EFPIA partner Boehringer Ingelheim (BI).


The developments of the Aetionomy Ptoject at the UL are executed at the Bioinformatics Core of the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB), and consists so far in the utilization of the tranSMART system to represent Aetionomy's clinical, laboratorial, multi-OMICS and imaging indices datasets. tranSMART offers various methods to analyse the load datasets as well as to export such data to third-party applications.


In order to streamline the requirements of Aetionomy's partners, the LCSB team has adopted the system osTicket as the Aetionomy Study Request System, where new additions to the tranSMART instance of Aetionomy's Knowledge Database can be requested.





AETIONOMY is an IMI funded project (EU and EFPIA effort).

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